Doesn't quite have the same ring as "Teenage Runaway" does it?
I very briefly considered running away this morning. Not seriously thought out or planned - more of an impulsive fleeting consideration. Kind of like standing at the edge of a bridge and thinking about jumping.
I was pumping gas at 7 a.m. this morning at a gas station right across the highway from LaGuardia airport. Planes taking off and landing every 15 seconds it seemed. I thought about how easy (in one little sense) it would be to just take the next exit off the highway, put the car in long-term parking and take a plane away. Note - a plane
away. But to where? I didn't particularly want to go anywhere.....I just wanted to get
So, I started thinking a bit more about it (I had a way empty 23 gallon tank). I had 2 good books in my backpack, my wallet with at least one credit card not maxed out, a bottle of lime sparking water, a veggie bologna sandwich spaceboy made me for lunch today and all of my makeup. What else could I possibly need? Well comfy clothes would be nice instead of my suit...but hey, wherever I go, they'll have stores - right?
I thought of where I would want to go. I always want to go to California. But that's because spaceboy's family is there. So running away there wouldn't do. The UK - nope, didn't have my passport. Some random city? Nope, I'm not that much of a risk taker. Then I thought that I would just take a plane that would put me close to Spinchick....and then drive to see her on her farm. just get
away. Not forever - just for a couple of days. Enough time to read both of my books, write in a journal, and figure out where the hell I'm headed.
$47.50 and a full gas tank later I drove onto the Grand Central Parkway and headed east.
Away from the airport and my little daydream and back into my life.
Being a grownup sucks sometimes.