Thursday, January 20, 2005

Another one

I have yet another bloody migraine. I get out of bed at 6-something and by 8 a.m. I have a migraine. What the fuck? I think I need to keep some kind of migraine log....just to see if there are any patterns. I've had more migraines in the past month than I can ever remember having is a similiar time frame. bleh.

I need help at work. Regular, consistent support. Working 11 hour days consistently and still not getting stuff done on a timely basis is just.not.acceptable. Now I just need to figure out how to get the help.

1 comment:

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Migraines. I can't understand that. I can't trace a pattern. It doesn't seem to be the coffee. It doesn't seem to be hunger. Lighting? I don't know. The trigger is simply irregular.

And it can last for 6-12 hours. And it had been so painful that it induced tears.