Monday, November 29, 2004

Truth & Consequences

I've been thinking a lot about Truth, Trust and Consequences. Not particularly in that order, or in any order or coherent pattern. Just thinking about the importance of truth and trust in my life, and the consequences of losing and/or gaining both.

Anyway, remember that drinking game from highschool/college - Truth or Dare? Where you had to choose a "truth" or a "dare"and then deal with the consequences of your choice or take a drink (or both)? You learned so much about people not only based upon their responses to their "truths", but also if they typically took "dares" or took "truths".

Me, I took truths. I much prefer dealing in the known, and dealing with the consequences of the whole world knowing my own choices and actions than giving the reins over and letting someone else determine what I should do. I'll take my humiliation at my own hands thankyouverymuch.

What does that all have to do with anything? Well, I guess on a very simple level, at that point in my life I was much more comfortable with the truth of my past being known that having to trust my future to anyone.

Thought I was over that by the age of 35.
Almost was too.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Sunshine....keeping me up for days*

*Bonus points for anyone who can tell me what that is a quote from

So, driving to work this morning (heading east ) at the incredibly lovely time of 6:30 a.m., I saw the sunrise. It took me by surprise (ooh, I rhymed!). I haven't really seen the sun rise on the horizon, with all the beautiful shades of pink, purple, orange, yellow in so so long. The last time I saw it rise while driving east was probably sometime in 1990 - 91, heading back to my parents at 5 or 6 a.m. after a night out being the wild young thang I used to be. I'm glad I saw it this morning.

It centered me in a way I never would have anticipated.

Friday, September 17, 2004

shiny happy mbg

I made the decision. I am officially upping my med by 37.5mg. gasp! oooooh! aaaaaahhh!

So what's the big deal? Well, the med I'm on for my "crankyness" is one hell of a bitch to stop have to wean yourself off in babysteps, gradually decreasing the dose in itsy bitsy amounts. So, in upping the dose, I'm basically committing to at least 4 weeks longer of getting off of it (when and if that day ever comes).

I resisted it. Boy did I. But after taking a wee bit more for a couple of nights, and then taking the whole 37.5 shebang, I have to say I've noticed a difference in my level of crankiness and irritability. And if I can be a lot less cranky instead of marginally less cranky, why not do it?

Next thing you know I'll be skipping through the halls at work and singing the "Sound of Music". Maybe not. I'll at least be better able to supress my urge to throttle the living daylights out of the people who annoy me.

Shiny, happy mbg, all for the conveniently low copay price of $15 a month. What a bargain.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Middleage Runaway

Doesn't quite have the same ring as "Teenage Runaway" does it?

I very briefly considered running away this morning. Not seriously thought out or planned - more of an impulsive fleeting consideration. Kind of like standing at the edge of a bridge and thinking about jumping.

I was pumping gas at 7 a.m. this morning at a gas station right across the highway from LaGuardia airport. Planes taking off and landing every 15 seconds it seemed. I thought about how easy (in one little sense) it would be to just take the next exit off the highway, put the car in long-term parking and take a plane away. Note - a plane away. But to where? I didn't particularly want to go anywhere.....I just wanted to get away.

So, I started thinking a bit more about it (I had a way empty 23 gallon tank). I had 2 good books in my backpack, my wallet with at least one credit card not maxed out, a bottle of lime sparking water, a veggie bologna sandwich spaceboy made me for lunch today and all of my makeup. What else could I possibly need? Well comfy clothes would be nice instead of my suit...but hey, wherever I go, they'll have stores - right?

I thought of where I would want to go. I always want to go to California. But that's because spaceboy's family is there. So running away there wouldn't do. The UK - nope, didn't have my passport. Some random city? Nope, I'm not that much of a risk taker. Then I thought that I would just take a plane that would put me close to Spinchick....and then drive to see her on her farm. just get away. Not forever - just for a couple of days. Enough time to read both of my books, write in a journal, and figure out where the hell I'm headed.

$47.50 and a full gas tank later I drove onto the Grand Central Parkway and headed east. Away from the airport and my little daydream and back into my life.

Being a grownup sucks sometimes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Am I a self-important egoist?

So, in a conversation last night (or was it the night before last), spaceboy basically "gah"ed the whole blogging thing. Thinks that all bloggers are self-important egoists who want attention and are arrogant enough to think someone will check out their little corner of the web. (Note, I am paraphrasing his general sentiment, not quoting him directly)

I told him that I have a blog. He thought I was joking since I basically did the blog thing on a whim one afternoon when I was feeling all sorts of trendy and lemming like. I feel kinda bad that I hadn't told him when I started it. But honestly, until our discussion last/other night, I hadn't thought about the site. Oddly enough, his commentary made me want to blog.

Damn I'm a contrary bitch.

Better living through medication

So - the last couple of days have had me taking a little bit more of my med, because I've had to split a larger capsule into 2 smaller portions. Not a precise science at all. But that's what happens when you run out of your regular dosage and need to improvise.

Anyway, I fucking hate to admit it, but I feel the difference. Ever so slightly. It's like I've gone from being in a gastric distress ad to being in a shampoo ad...ya know? No grey omnipresent clouds looming over my anquished furrowed brow. Instead I'm walking along a sunny street, a skip in my step, sunshine gleaming and dazzling all those around me.

I so didn't want to up my meds. I didn't want to then have to wean off of them at some point in time being at a higher dose. But does that even make sense? If I "feel" better - isn't the now worth it?

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

God damn sales people

Why is it that people think that being sneaky and smarmy will help them "sell" a product? And while I'm at it - if you want me to be your client, how about not being condescending and intimating that my being truly annoyed and pissed off at you is my being "upset". Dare the little twerp to have used the word "upset" with me if I had boy parts.

speaking of boy parts - someone on one of my online forums brought up Peter Steele's Playgirl spread earlier. Now, those are some very nice boy parts. purrrrrr

Sunday, June 27, 2004

5 a.m.


5:11 am and I'm wide awake. I've been wide awake since 4 am and for no good fucking reason. I woke up to pee and it was like someone just switched on a massive flood lamp in my head. Can't get back to sleep...bored beyond belief. So here I am...boring others. (what others Emily? Christ, what a vanity to think that "others" are actually reading this)

I think my favorite thing about waking up at 4 am is remembering there used to be a time that I wouldn't even have been asleep yet at 4am. If anything, I would have been pouring myself into a cab home at that time.

Oh well, at least I know I won't be hungover in the morning. Not sure if that is a good thing or not, come to think of it.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Losing my cherry

So, I've finally decided to lose my blog cherry.

Can't figure out quite why I'm doing this.

Am I doing this just to say that have a blog? To get attention?
Or just to have a place where I can get my thoughts down? To
express some wee little bit of quasi-creativity?

Who the hell knows. Feel free to tell me.