Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Am I a self-important egoist?

So, in a conversation last night (or was it the night before last), spaceboy basically "gah"ed the whole blogging thing. Thinks that all bloggers are self-important egoists who want attention and are arrogant enough to think someone will check out their little corner of the web. (Note, I am paraphrasing his general sentiment, not quoting him directly)

I told him that I have a blog. He thought I was joking since I basically did the blog thing on a whim one afternoon when I was feeling all sorts of trendy and lemming like. I feel kinda bad that I hadn't told him when I started it. But honestly, until our discussion last/other night, I hadn't thought about the site. Oddly enough, his commentary made me want to blog.

Damn I'm a contrary bitch.

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